GIS Colorado Fall Training at GIS in the Rockies!
University of Denver Cable Center
September 25, 2024
The upcoming GIS in the Rockies Conference will feature three specialized trainings brought to you by GIS Colorado designed to empower participants with the latest tools and techniques in spatial data analysis.
Trainings will cover essential GIS concepts, hands-on experience with leading software, and practical applications in various fields. Whether you are new to GIS or looking to enhance your existing skills, this session aims to provide valuable insights and knowledge to help you harness the power of geospatial technology in your projects. Details on the specific content will be finalized closer to the conference date.
Training 1: ArcGIS Pro Fundamentals
Instructor: TBD, Esri
Description: This workshop will cover fundamental aspects of ArcGIS Pro, including communication with ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise and common workflows for managing data, editing, analysis, and designing maps. Bring your questions and join us for a fun and informative session- there’s always something to learn! Part of workshop time will be for participants to walk through hands-on exercises on the relevant topics, please bring a laptop and ArcGIS Pro license.
Room AAC 290 (capacity 114), Anderson Academic Commons, University of Denver, 2150 E Evans Ave, Denver, CO
Training 2: RD underground line locating
Instructor: Kaeli/Kelly, Frontier Precision
Description: Hands-on RD underground line locating and RD/GIS integration workshop.
Room MRH 217 (capacity 28), Margery Reed Hall, University of Denver, 2306 East Evans Avenue, Denver, CO
Training 3: Data Classification using NV5
Instructor: Matt Cross
Description: In this workshop, we will explore both traditional and contemporary approaches to imagery classification, using ENVI as our software to help attendees of the workshop understand the various approaches and which approach would be appropriate to specific geospatial applications.
Room SIE 5025 (capacity 60), Sie Complex, University of Denver, 2201 S Gaylord St, Denver, CO
$70 – GISCO members. Log into your GISCO member account for the discount code!
$95 – non-GISCO members
Log into your GIS Colorado account for the member training discount code.
Cancellation policy:
100% refund 7 days before the scheduled event
0% refund less than 7 days before the scheduled event
Training registration is an additional cost to the GIS in the Rockies conference registration.